Non-isothermal phase-field simulations of laser-written in-plane SiGe heterostructures for photonic applications


Advanced solid-state devices, including lasers and modulators, require semiconductor heterostructures for nanoscale engineering of the electronic bandgap and refractive index. However, existing epitaxial growth methods are limited to fabrication of vertical heterostructures grown layer by layer. Here, we report the use of finite-element-method-based phase-field modelling with thermocapillary convection to investigate laser inscription of in-plane heterostructures within silicon-germanium films. The modelling is supported by experimental work using epitaxially-grown Si0.5Ge0.5 layers. The phase-field simulations reveal that various in-plane heterostructures with single or periodic interfaces can be fabricated by controlling phase segregation through modulation of the scan speed, power, and beam position. Optical simulations are used to demonstrate the potential for two devices: graded-index waveguides with Ge-rich (>70%) cores, and waveguide Bragg gratings with nanoscale periods (100–500 nm). Periodic heterostructure formation via sub-millisecond modulation of the laser parameters opens a route for post-growth fabrication of in-plane quantum wells and superlattices in semiconductor alloy films.

Aktas, O., Yamamoto, Y., Kaynak, M., & Peacock, A. C. (2021). Non-isothermal phase-field simulations of laser-written in-plane SiGe heterostructures for photonic applications (London : Springer Nature). London : Springer Nature.
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