2D layered transport properties from topological insulator Bi2Se3 single crystals and micro flakes


Low-field magnetotransport measurements of topological insulators such as Bi2Se3 are important for revealing the nature of topological surface states by quantum corrections to the conductivity, such as weak-antilocalization. Recently, a rich variety of high-field magnetotransport properties in the regime of high electron densities (∼1019 cm−3) were reported, which can be related to additional two-dimensional layered conductivity, hampering the identification of the topological surface states. Here, we report that quantum corrections to the electronic conduction are dominated by the surface states for a semiconducting case, which can be analyzed by the Hikami-Larkin-Nagaoka model for two coupled surfaces in the case of strong spin-orbit interaction. However, in the metallic-like case this analysis fails and additional two-dimensional contributions need to be accounted for. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and quantized Hall resistance prove as strong indications for the two-dimensional layered metallic behavior. Temperature-dependent magnetotransport properties of high-quality Bi2Se3 single crystalline exfoliated macro and micro flakes are combined with high resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, confirming the structure and stoichiometry. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy proves a single-Dirac-cone surface state and a well-defined bulk band gap in topological insulating state. Spatially resolved core-level photoelectron microscopy demonstrates the surface stability.

Electronic properties and materials, Topological insulators, behavior, crystal structure, model, oscillation, roentgen spectroscopy, stoichiometry, transmission electron microscopy
Chiatti, O., Riha, C., Lawrenz, D., Busch, M., Dusari, S., Sánchez-Barriga, J., et al. (2016). 2D layered transport properties from topological insulator Bi2Se3 single crystals and micro flakes. 6. https://doi.org//10.1038/srep27483
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