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Bedeutung der industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung für die Glasindustrie

1994, Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen

[no abstract available]

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Batch preheating on glass melting furnaces

1989, Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen

The preheating of the raw materials with the flue gases leaving the air preheater can be a powerful tool to save energy and to increase the pull of a glass melting furnace. In the first part, this work deals with the magnification of the pull of glass melting furnaces from a theoretical point of view. In the second part, the results of heat balance measurements on glass melting furnaces equipped with a batch preheater are given. The measured results are compared with calculated results. Α good agreement of theoretical and measured results is found.

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Wärmetechnische Messungen an Kammergitterungen

1985, Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen

Verbesserungen an den Regeneratoren waren neben Isolationsmaßnahmen ein Mittel zur Verringerung des Energieverbrauchs bei der Glasherstellung. Die Erhöhung der Luftvorwärmung war darüber hinaus eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die bei erhöhten Schmelzleistungen notwendigen hohen Oberofentemperaturen. Für die rechnerische Ermittlung des Einflusses von weiteren Verbesserungen an Regeneratoren ist die Kenntnis der Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten eine wesentliche Voraussetzung. An arbeitenden Glasschmelzöfen werden an eigens präparierten Regeneratoren wärmetechnische Messungen und Strömungsmessungen durchgeführt, um Auskunft über die Wärmeübertragung in Kreuzsteingitterungen zu erhalten, über die bisher keine Literaturdaten vorlagen. Der Vergleich mit einer ebenfalls durchgemessenen Korbflechtgitterung läßt den Schluß zu, daß bei ähnlichen geometrischen Daten und Strömungsverhältnissen Korbgeflecht- und Kreuzsteingitterungen hinsichtlich des konvektiven Wärmeübergangs durchaus vergleichbar sind. Bei den Strömungsmessungen wird in allen untersuchten Anlagen eine gleichmäßige Abgas- und Luftverteilung vorgefunden. Diesbezügliche Ungleichmäßigkeiten haben einen vergleichsweise geringen Einfluß auf den Energieverbrauch von Glasschmelzöfen.

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Industrial experience with a cathodic electrochemical method to reduce the molybdenum electrode corrosion

1993, Fleischmann, Bernhard, Mergler, Kurt Wilhelm, Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen

In an industrial all-electric glass tank a cathodic dc voltage was superimposed on the ac heating voltage at two molybdenum electrodes for about 8 months to reduce the corrosion through the formation of a protective layer. One starting electrode could be used as counter electrode for the cathodic protection of the molybdenum heating electrodes. A platinum electrode was installed as reference electrode to carry out electrochemical measurements (impedance measurements, current-potential curves). After an 8 months' running time a reduction of molybdenum corrosion of about 25 % could be proved due to the cathodic protection in comparison with unprotected heating electrodes. The results of the electro chemical investigations on the industrial glass tank showed to a certain extent deviations from the former laboratory tests.

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Primary measures for the ΝΟx reduction on glass melting furnaces

1989, Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen, Sieger, Werner

On a producing horseshoe furnace fired with natural gas experiments were carried out to reduce the NOx emission by primary measures. After optimizing the combustion conditions flue gas recirculation and air staging were tested as new measures. To ensure a complete combustion the CO content of the flue gases was limited to values of less than 1000 mg/m3, measuring the CO content at the top of the regenerator. The recirculated flue gas was used to replace the primary air. The ΝΟx content obtained by flue gas recirculation in combination with other measures was about half of the original value. The air staging was realized by branching a part of the preheated combustion air from the top of the regenerator and feeding the air over existing sight holes to the combustion space. The preheated air was transported using a jet pump. This measure established ΝΟx contents in the flue gas which were less than 1000 mg/m3.

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Practical experience with raw-material preheating on glass melting furnaces

1992, Enninga, Gerhard, Dytrych, Karel, Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen

By preheating the raw materials using the energy of the flue gases after leaving the air-preheating system energy savings of about 20 to 25 % are possible on glass melting furnaces. At the same time, the flue gases are cooled down to temperatures, which are necessary for the cleaning process that follows in the electrostatic precipitator. The preheating of the raw materials has been often discussed in the past, but that time at no suitable heat exchanger was available. Furthermore, there also were many other possibilities to improve the thermal performance of glass melting furnaces, for example better air preheaters, a better insulation of the installation of better burner systems. Nienburger Glas GmbH has been working in the field of batch preheating since about ten years. The preheater, which was developed, works with direct contact of flue gas and batch in a cross-counter flow; the flue-gas ducts are set up by angle irons with the corner at the top side. During the preheating process also most of the acidic components, for example sulphur oxides, chlorine and fluorine, are removed out of the flue gases. After beginning with a small experimental setup a batch preheater for a cross-fired green glas furnace with a pull rate of about 300 t glass/d was designed and built in cooperation with GEA Energietechnik GmbH, Bochum (FRG). This batch preheater has been operated since about 4 years with a cullet content of about 80 to 90 %. The next step in developing this new technique was the installation of a batch preheater on a cross-fired furnace with a capacity of about 350 t glass/d, which is used for the production of white glass with a cullet content of 30 to 50%. Moreover, the first batch preheater for an end-fired furnace has recently been taken into operation. This paper will report about practical experiences with the existing batch-preheating systems. The energy consumption will be treated as well as the emission of sulphur oxides, chlorine and fluorine, the preheating temperatures, the melting behaviour of the furnace, the carry over of dust to the regenerators and the quality of the produced glass.

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Strength optimization of glass containers by the finite element method

1988, Müller-Simon, Hayo, Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen

Α finite element program to calculate the wall stresses of container glass with respect to axial loads and internal pressure loads has been installed in a microcomputer. The stress calculations are based on a modified shell element. The efficiency of this element type as well as the working properties of the finite element program were tested. Sample bottles and the corresponding bursting pressure data were available for this investigation. From these data, maximum permissible wall stresses were calculated with the finite element program. The results were found to be in the same range as those stated in the literature. The finite element program gives a fast and sufficiently accurate prediction of the influence of changes in glass container outline or glass distribution by calculation.

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Situation of the waste-heat utilization in the German glass industry Survey results

1990, Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen

The overall energy consumption in the glass industry is controlled generally by the energy components that have been installed for glass melting. Because of the high processing temperatures, the use of effective air-preheating systems is an essential prerequisite for the efficiency and economy of today's operating glass-melting furnaces. Since the temperature of the waste gas after exiting the furnace installation is generally of the order of 500 °C, the utilization of the waste heat contained in the waste gases by means of special heat-recovery units has been pursued for a long time by numerous glass works. In the framework of a survey it was determined to what extent waste heat recovery systems are utilized in the glass industry of West Germany and for what purpose the energy obtained in this connection is being utilized. Over 60 % of the plants that were questioned have installed waste heat recovery units, and the waste heat that is available to these plants represents about 75 % of the total waste heat available to the glass industry. In further evaluations which took into account not only the waste gas volume flow of the entire plant but also the volume flow from the individual glass-melting units, it was shown that waste heat recovery units are clearly economically more favorable for the larger plants.

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Minderung der ΝΟx-Emission durch feuerungstechnische Maßnahmen

1985, Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen

An einer hochbelasteten erdgasbeheizten U-Flammenwanne zur Herstellung von weißem Hohlglas wurden gezielt Versuche zur Minderung der ΝΟx-Emission durch feuerungstechnische Maßnahmen durchgeführt. Folgende Parameter wurden in die Untersuchung einbezogen: Falschluft, Düsenbestückung der Brenner und Luft-/Brennstoffverhältnis. Zusätzlich wurde der Versuch einer gestuften Verbrennung unternommen, wobei auf eine gestufte Brennstoff zufuhr übergegangen wurde. Die Reduzierung des Luftüberschusses bis hin zu einer nahstöchiometrischen Verbrennung ist die wirksamste Maßnahme zur Verringerung der ΝΟx-Emission; sie bringt jedoch nicht allein die angestrebte Minderung.

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Modeling of the aging of glass furnace regenerators

1992, Beerkens, Ruud G. C., Muysenberg, Hendrikus P. H., Barklage-Hilgefort, Hansjürgen

Α model has been developed to predict the decrease of the thermal performance of glass furnace regenerators due to fouling by flue gas condensates. The model consists of four parts: a) description of the thermal performance (heat transfer) of regenerator checkers; b) description of the heat transfer in the furnace combustion chamber; c) determination of volatilization of sulfur, chloride and sodium components from the melt; d) modeling of chemical reactions in and deposition from flue gases in the regenerator. The aging and the reduction of the thermal efficiency due to fouling has been predicted: - for different checkerwork constructions or refractory types; - as a function of pull rate; - as a function of glass melt temperatures; - as a function of applied cullet fraction. Depending on the different conditions, the predicted increase in energy consumption is about 1 up to more than 3 %/year, mainly due to fouling. Cruciform and chimney block checkers seem to be less sensitive for this fouhng than basketweave packings. As molten glass temperatures increase, dust emissions and fouling rates are going up. According to the model calculations, a higher cullet fraction in the batch will lead to reduced aging rates of the regenerators. The model is in quite good agreement with practical observations in industrial furnaces.