High-mobility 4 μm MOVPE-grown (100) β-Ga2O3 film by parasitic particles suppression


In this work, we comprehensively investigate the development of unwanted parasitic particles in the MOVPE chamber while growing μm level films. The density of the parasitic particles is found to be pronounced at film thicknesses starting from >1.5 to 2 μm. These particles seem to induce structural defects such as twin lamellae, thereby harming the electrical properties of the grown film. The origin of the parasitic particle is attributed to the parasitic reactions within the chamber triggered by the promoted gas-phase reactions during the growth process, which can be largely reduced by increasing the total gas flow and decreasing the showerhead distance to the susceptor. A film thickness of up to 4 μm has been achieved after minimizing the density of parasitic particles. Thereby, RT Hall measurements reveal carrier mobilities of 160 cm2V−1s−1 at carrier concentrations of 5.7 × 1016cm−3

gallium oxide, MOVPE, parasitic particle
Chou, T.-S., Seyidov, P., Bin Anooz, S., Grüneberg, R., Rehm, J., Tran, T. T. V., et al. (2023). High-mobility 4 μm MOVPE-grown (100) β-Ga2O3 film by parasitic particles suppression. 62(SF). https://doi.org//10.35848/1347-4065/acb360
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